Future Ready

Students who are Future Ready have awareness of the opportunities that are available after they leave Teddington, have the skills to be able to access these opportunities and have practical experience of what the world of work and higher education is like. 

Awareness- of opportunities in work, university and college

Skilled – Are developed through a range of visits, enrichment days and PHSCE time

Experienced – Developed through talks, visits and events.

Consequently, students’ confidence towards life beyond school increases and they feel equipped to pursue appropriate ambitions. Through learning and exposure to meaningful encounters with employers and training providers, students gain real-life experiences that enhance employability and increase awareness of life beyond the sphere of secondary education.

We have a dedicated Lead in CEIAG* and work closely with Innervate our Careers Advisors who support students throughout their school journey with tasks such as applications for college and apprenticeships, CV writing, interview skills, career planning and signposting where needed. Support is particularly important during key transition stages; while selecting options in Year 9 where students may need help with decision making, and whilst in Year 11, the transition to post-16 option in further education or apprenticeships.

To maintain quality and ensure compliance with the latest statutory advice, the careers programme will be reviewed annually, and impact will be measured by conducting student surveys. We use the Careers and Enterprise Company’s Compass tool to evaluate how our careers programme performs against the Gatsby Benchmarks. In addition, pupils, parents, staff and external partners are regularly asked for feedback on careers activities and events via questionnaires and surveys.


We understand how difficult it can be to navigate through the large amount of information concerning careers.  

Choices available to your child are likely to be very different from those you had at school. However, parental guidance significantly influences decisions made by our students, so it is imperative you have access to current information. Our programme sets out the kind of support we offer to help widen students’ horizons and assist them in making informed decisions. Look at Teddington’s CEIAG information on colleges, apprenticeships and more.

For careers information and advice specifically for parents, you may also find these websites useful:


If you have any careers-related concerns for your child, please contact Mr W Whitehouse (lead for careers) on 020 8943 0033 or email whitehousew@teddingtonschool.org.  


Employers and Training Providers

Teddington School Careers Fair 

Here at Teddington School, we endeavour to give each of our student's numerous chances to engage with the world of work.  

Organisations who can provide aspirational opportunities, in various guises, are welcome to contact the school and assist us in our efforts to strengthen students’ employability skills.

We would be grateful for involvement in activities such as:

  • Careers Fair (Spring annually)
  • Workplace visits
  • Career talks
  • Work experience placements
  • Mentoring
  • Enterprise competitions
  • CV writing advice
  • Interview preparation/mock interviews

If you can support the school with any of these activities or have ideas which will further promote employability, please contact Miss M Metcalfe , Careers Lead on 0208 943 0033 or email metcalfem@teddingtonschool.org.   

Provider Access StatementCEIAG Policy 2023-2024

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