
At Teddington School, it is important to us that all students complete homework set by their teacher. Homework plays a pivotal role in our teaching and learning provision at the school.

Research compiled by the Education Endowment Foundation underscores the significant impact of high-quality homework on student progress, with students achieving up to five months' additional progress within a year.

To support students in fulfilling their homework commitments, we offer a Super Study Club in the Library from 15:00 to 16:00, Monday through Thursday. We adhere to clear expectations regarding homework completion:

  • Key Stage 3 (KS3) Core subjects: Up to one hour per subject per week
  • Key Stage 3 (KS3) Non-core subjects: Up to one hour every fortnight
  • Key Stage 4 (KS4): Up to one hour per subject per week

Homework tasks are assigned through the Satchel One platform. For assistance and guidance on using Satchel One, please refer to the provided links for both parents and students:
Satchel One parent support Satchel One student support

For more information on homework and assessment please refer to our Assessment and Monitoring Guide:

Assessment and Monitoring Guide 2024-25

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