Curriculum Provision

Key Stage 3

This covers years 7, 8 and 9 with students choosing their GCSE pathway midway through year 9 so that they are ready to embark on their GCSEs from the May half term. 

Core subjects in KS3 are: English, mathematics and science.
Subjects also studied: art, computing, drama, food, French, geography, German, graphics, history, music, PE, RE, technology. Latin is an optional subject from year 8.

Key Stage 4

Students are guided through the pathways process during year 9. There are some subjects that are compulsory and these are contained in the core block.

Core subjects in KS4 are: English, Mathematics, science, core RE and PE.

The remainder of curriculum time is individual and personalised; students get four option choices. During the options process students are given bespoke guidance on which pathway best suits them. Pathways vary between individuals, year groups and are dependent on the cohort. All students must do at least one of history or geography and around 60% are encouraged to take a modern foreign language.

Pathways subjects: 3D design, business, computer science, creative media, drama, fine art, film studies, food and nutrition, geography, history, media, music, PE, photography, The Prince’s Trust Award, French, German and Spanish, textiles and Latin.

Key Stage 5

Students choose three subjects to study, with eight lessons over the fortnight in each one. Students will also have weekly enrichment sessions which involve a wide variety of activities, including lectures from outside speakers, talks from universities and industry leaders and sessions on topical issues ranging from body image to politics.
There is also the opportunity to study the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). Encouraging curiosity and creativity the EPQ requires students to choose a topic of personal interest and plan, research and develop their idea to a finished product (for many, this is an extended piece of academic writing). 

Subjects students can study in KS5 are: art, biology, business, chemistry, computer science, drama, English language and literature, film studies, further maths, geography, government and politics, history, maths, media, music performance, music technology, PE, physics, psychology, religious studies and sociology. 

For further information on our curriculum please contact Mrs K Corrigall, Deputy Headteacher,

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