Parents Evenings

The working relationship between students, families and teachers is vital in ensuring the continued success for students over time. Subject Consultation evenings are a great opportunity to visit the school, meet our teachers and leave feeling fully informed about the progress your child is making. 

All parents’ evenings are held on Wedensdays and take place either in the school or online. Your child’s Head of Year will write to you with further details on how to book appointments in the weeks prior to the evening.

Year Group Format Date
Year 7 'a pop' Face to Face 29th Janury 2025
Year 7 'b pop' Face to Face 5th February 2025
Year 8 'a pop Virtual  14th May 2025
Year 8 'b pop' Virtual  21st May 2025
Year 9 Face to Face 5th March 2025
Year 10 Face to Face 18th June 2025
Year 11 Face to Face  11th December 2024
Year 11 Virtual  2nd April 2025
Year 12 Virtual 11th June 2025
Year 13 Virtual  4th December 2024
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