Aims of Enrichment

At Teddington School, teachers, parents and students all believe in creating opportunities beyond the academic curriculum. Whilst we are proud of our examination results, we know that those alone do not make for a well-rounded person; we are committed to developing the whole child.

Teddington 062[1]We expect every child to attend at least one enrichment activity per term. We have worked hard over the last academic year to improve what we can offer our children at Teddington School. The area of co-curricular activities will continue to grow and hopefully with your support and encouragement our students will share many happy memories, learn new skills and grow into interested and interesting people.

Why is Our Enrichment important?

  • To encourage a pride in being part of Teddington SchoolENRICHMENT 1
  • To develop friendships across the school community and support children to build a circle of peers who share a common interest/hobby/goal
  • To promote a healthy balance between school and life and complement and extend the statutory curriculum by providing opportunities to develop new skills which could offer an insight into possible career choices or life-time hobbies
  • To offer a balanced and relevant selection of activities.



The Benefit to Students

  • The opportunity to explore and try out new activity which is not already catered for via home life
  • Students participating in extra-curricular activities tend to have better grades and a more positive attitude to school as well as learning 
  • To learn time management and prioritising aspects of their lives learning about long term commitments 
  • 30 per cent of job applications as well as UCAS applications should be about extra-curricular activities. An interesting activity will help them stand out.
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