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Headteacher's Welcome
Welcome, prospective parents, to Teddington School. I am immensely proud to be the Headteacher, and it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to a section of our website dedicated entirely to our Open Events.
As parents of Year 5 and 6 students, I am sure you feel that you are faced with a significant decision. Choosing a secondary school for any child is an important choice. When looking more closely at Teddington and consdering us as the school for your child I would ask you to reflect three important questions before visiting us:
- Is your child going to be happy at Teddington?
- Will we ensure that your child receives a first-class education?
- Are we going to offer a broad range of opportunities and experiences that stretch their learning both in and out of the classroom?
I am confident that by browsing our website and visiting our school, both during our Open Evening on 2nd October and subsequent Open Mornings, you will find the answer to all three of those questions is a resounding 'Yes!'.
We are striving to continually improve and pride ourselves on three core values: 'Inclusion, Opportunity, Excellence'. We are driven to establish ourselves as the school of choice within our local community, a school that everyone can be proud of. Within that, we want to ensure that our school is inclusive of everyone in our community. This is something we take great pride in.
To support with your decision I have linked some important pages from our website below, please do have a look around to get a real flavour of our offer.
Finally, I look forward to meeting you all in person over the coming weeks and am genuinely excited about explaining to you all what we have achieved in recent years and what lies ahead at Teddington.
Mr P Grills